Universe to Equiverse- Start the Ripple: International Leadership Conference


Dec 2021

17:00 - 21:30 JST
09:00 - 13:30 CET


It is the 21st century! The universe has evolved dramatically in terms of intellectual, material and physical prosperity. Sadly, the growth has not been balanced for all. Certain sections have gained far more than the others. The pandemic has just widened much of the existing gaps between the “haves” and the “have-nots”, the developed and the under-developed, the urban and the rural. Particularly wide is the gap between the genders. How do we then build a new universe that is more equitable-an Equiverse?

This futuristic scenario will be explored in this upcoming global conference. Each year TalentNomics have dared to dream of a new world order that is more balanced, more compassionate and more progressive. They have deliberated about how each of us can be change agents for such a world and every participant can be a ripple of change. In the last 5 years, over two thousand men and women leaders from urban and rural, public and private, organised and unorganised sectors, students, academicians and policymakers have participated in their conferences. Many of them have then gone back to influence their ecosystem for greater equity, especially between genders. Yet there are still many more things to be done!


Globally, women have lost much more due to the pandemic. Though this is acknowledged universally, very few nations, organisations and leaders have actively intervened to implement women-specific policies. ‘Being gender blind is not being gender-equitable’ has never been more apparent than in the current scenario. Given the greater challenges women face to retain their jobs, grow in their careers, as compared to men, we need leaders who are ready to tackle this imbalance with gender-focused policies, actions, and education. Systemic change calls for collective will, best met through collaboration between change-makers in this area.

The conference, ‘Universe to Equiverse: Start the Ripple’, organised with TalentNomics endeavours to provide a platform for leaders across sectors and regions, engaged in empowering women to come and share their journeys and insights. We hope to build bridges between such leaders to increase the momentum of change. At the conference, we will also recognize some of those leaders who have created significant ripples in the area of gender equity.

Register for the conference here.


  • English



Project Lead: Cristita Marie Perez


It is the 21st century! The universe has evolved dramatically in terms of intellectual, material and physical prosperity. Sadly, the growth has not been balanced for all. Certain sections have gained far more than the others. The pandemic has just widened much of the existing gaps between the “haves” and the “have-nots”, the developed and the under-developed, the urban and the rural. Particularly wide is the gap between the genders. How do we then build a new universe that is more equitable-an Equiverse?

This futuristic scenario will be explored in this upcoming global conference. Each year TalentNomics have dared to dream of a new world order that is more balanced, more compassionate and more progressive. They have deliberated about how each of us can be change agents for such a world and every participant can be a ripple of change. In the last 5 years, over two thousand men and women leaders from urban and rural, public and private, organised and unorganised sectors, students, academicians and policymakers have participated in their conferences. Many of them have then gone back to influence their ecosystem for greater equity, especially between genders. Yet there are still many more things to be done!


Globally, women have lost much more due to the pandemic. Though this is acknowledged universally, very few nations, organisations and leaders have actively intervened to implement women-specific policies. ‘Being gender blind is not being gender-equitable’ has never been more apparent than in the current scenario. Given the greater challenges women face to retain their jobs, grow in their careers, as compared to men, we need leaders who are ready to tackle this imbalance with gender-focused policies, actions, and education. Systemic change calls for collective will, best met through collaboration between change-makers in this area.

The conference, ‘Universe to Equiverse: Start the Ripple’, organised with TalentNomics endeavours to provide a platform for leaders across sectors and regions, engaged in empowering women to come and share their journeys and insights. We hope to build bridges between such leaders to increase the momentum of change. At the conference, we will also recognize some of those leaders who have created significant ripples in the area of gender equity.

Register for the conference here.