Organised in cooperation with Woomentum and in partnership with the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, the webinar, “Path to Digitalisation for WSMEs- Policy Breakthroughs from Vietnam, South Korea and Singapore’, will have policy experts from Vietnam, South Korea & Singapore share breakthroughs and learnings from digital transformation policies in their countries and discuss the next steps to crafting a path to digitalisation for WSMEs.
The conference, ‘Universe to Equiverse: Start the Ripple’, organised with TalentNomics endeavours to provide a platform for leaders across sectors and regions, engaged in empowering women to come and share their journeys and insights.
With the movement for gender equality gaining momentum around the world, the gender situation in Japan is drawing attention both domestically and internationally. KAS Japan will hold a series of events titled, “Women in Japan,” to explore current developments in Japan’s gender environment. In the first of our series, the “Women in Japan: Current Roles […]
In this conference, authors from the upcoming publication, ‘Public Health in Asia during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Global Health Governance, Migrant Labour, and International Health Crises’, and experienced experts will discuss these issues by examining how global health governance and international labour migration in Asia have evolved during public health crises. Specifically, by looking at how different countries in Asia have tackled COVID-19 through policy adjustments, how legitimacy was affected, and how public perceptions have changed.
KAS Japan is co-organising an online webinar in partnership with Woomentum. The webinar will cover valuable insights and lessons learnt from 140 women-led small and mid-sized enterprises (WSMEs) across 7 Asian countries and features a panel of successful entrepreneurs and digitalisation experts. About the Webinar If you are one of many small and mid-sized enterprises […]