Insights: #JapanElection 2021
29 Oct 2021

In light of the upcoming Japan’s general election, KAS Japan interviewed Izuru Makihara, Professor of Political Administrative System of the University of Tokyo, to gain some insights on the expectations and challenges facing the government after the election, the role of factions in the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the relationship between Prime Minister Kishi and former Prime Minister Abe.

Japan’s general election (Japanese House of Representatives election ) will take place on 31 October 2021.

In light of this, KAS Japan interviewed Izuru Makihara, Professor of Political Administrative System of the University of Tokyo, to gain some insights on the expectations and challenges facing the government after the election, the role of factions in the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the relationship between Prime Minister Kishi and former Prime Minister Abe.

List of questions that were asked:

  • What effect will the election results have on the Prime Minister and on the next government? What are the expectations and where will the
    biggest challenges lie?
  • How do you expect the election results to turn out and what could be the cause of “victory” or “political loss” for the LDP?
  • What is the change you see in the function of “factions” in the LDP? Will we continue to see power plays or a reform towards a more modern party?
  • What is your outlook for the Upper House election in 2022? Do you think Prime Minister Kishida will be able to strengthen his power base?
  • Who are the rivals that Prime Minister Kishida is facing within the LDP?
  • What made former Prime Minister Abe so successful within the LDP?