One of three case studies that were published in 2022, the Singapore case study investigates whether digitalisation offers opportunities to women-owned small and medium-sized enterprises (WSMEs) to overcome gender-related challenges in Singapore and provides policy and practical recommendations to stakeholders, such as policymakers, private sector, and business associations, on mitigating obstacles to digitalisation faced by […]
Organised in cooperation with Woomentum and in partnership with the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, the webinar, ‘Path to Digitalisation for WSMEs- Policy Breakthroughs from Vietnam, South Korea and Singapore’, was held on 14 December and had policy experts from Vietnam, South Korea, and Singapore share breakthroughs and learnings from digital transformation policies in their countries as well as discussed the next steps to crafting a path to digitalisation for WSMEs.
Every nation in Asia has dealt with COVID-19 differently and with varying levels of success in the absence of clear and effective leadership from the World Health Organization (WHO). As a result, WHO’s role in Asia as a global health organization is coming under increasing pressure. As its credibility is slowly being eroded by public […]
This paper summarises the positions of each party and discusses future prospects and issues surrounding the discussions on constitutional amendments.
With the COVID-19 pandemic seemingly nowhere near its end, there is a need to shift our mentality from life “after” COVID-19 to one of living “with” COVID-19. Our first online event in the series of the KAS German-Japanese Economic Policy Exchange, “Economic policy in view of a prolonged COVID-19 pandemic: A comparative view of Japanese and German/EU strategies”, will precisely look at this “new normal” from the business angle.
The event report for the first Women in Japan webinar series, ‘Women in Japan: Current Roles and Expectations’, focused on providing an overview of the current gender environment in the three sections of politics, business, and society.
This study is the second volume of “The Path to Success: How Women-owned Businesses Transform in the Era of Digitalization”. The second volume presents case studies on Women-owned Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (WSMEs) from Vietnam, South Korea, and Singapore.
The conference, ‘Universe to Equiverse: Start the Ripple’, organised with TalentNomics endeavours to provide a platform for leaders across sectors and regions, engaged in empowering women to come and share their journeys and insights.
Organised in cooperation with Woomentum and in partnership with the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, the webinar, “Path to Digitalisation for WSMEs- Policy Breakthroughs from Vietnam, South Korea and Singapore’, will have policy experts from Vietnam, South Korea & Singapore share breakthroughs and learnings from digital transformation policies in their countries and discuss the next steps to crafting a path to digitalisation for WSMEs.
With the movement for gender equality gaining momentum around the world, the gender situation in Japan is drawing attention both domestically and internationally. KAS Japan will hold a series of events titled, “Women in Japan,” to explore current developments in Japan’s gender environment. In the first of our series, the “Women in Japan: Current Roles […]